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SavorDIY Family Filmmaking Course for Moms$0
  • Total payment
  • 1xSavor$0

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"I now know how to capture moments of purpose and I can be more intentional behind the camera, while being more present! Isn’t that the ultimate goal?! These tiny moments mean everything and I’m thrilled I can now turn them into something that my girls can cherish one day too."

Mom of three

"As someone who does not consider myself a creative person, I found this course to be easy to follow, and it has made me so much more confident and proud of the treasures that I can share with my girls when they are older. "

Mom of three

""Ali's course is AMAZING! I knew nothing about making a video and the course walked me through, start to finish, making a video that my family will cherish for generations to come. The course gave me purpose for taking videos and I will be more intentional about the videos I take now that I know what the end result will be. If you take videos on your phone and want them to have meaning, take this course!"

Mom of three